Category: FLE in ELF

1 2 3 4 10 / 31 POSTS
Some states are absolutely determined to avoid becoming the next victims of Russian aggression. They are certain that reactivating NATO policy is the [...]
The European Liberal Forum, supported by the Project: Poland Foundation, has taken on the crucial task of dissecting and explaining the extent of Russ [...]
Aula Malagodi, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi - 16 April 2024 | 16:30 - 17:30 CEST Marco Mariani, Vice President of the European Liberal Forum Didrik de S [...]
Dear liberal friends, Before you all go on Christmas holidays, we are back with our next opportunity in 2024! It is time for our first LYMEC Dig [...]
Putin's Europe. Il 28 novembre presso Novotel di Varsavia è stato presentato il frutto di un lavoro di un'équipe di 13 ricercatori, collaboratori di u [...]
Saluti introduttivi del Sen. Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata Saluti istituzionali Giuseppe Benedetto, President Luigi Einaudi Foundation First Session [...]
Volume Presentation Introductory Remarks Speakers Antonios Nestoras, Deputy Executive Director European Liberal Forum, Belgium Fjona Merkaj, Proje [...]
Online Meeting with the Media Speaker Simona Benedettini, Energy Independent Consultant Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, PPAs project leader, Italy With [...]
Sandro Gozi MEP Renaissance/Renew Europe Catharina Rinzema MEP Volkspartij voor Vrijheid/Renew Europe Renata Gravina Researcher Sapienza, Fondaz [...]
Si svolge il 16 maggio a Lisbona il workshop “Citizens and Energy Transition: the Role of Renewable Energy Communities”, secondo incontro promosso dal [...]
1 2 3 4 10 / 31 POSTS