Category: FLE in ELF
Some states are absolutely determined to avoid becoming the next victims of Russian aggression. They are certain that reactivating NATO policy is the [...]
The European Liberal Forum, supported by the Project: Poland Foundation, has taken on the crucial task of dissecting and explaining the extent of Russ [...]
Aula Malagodi, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi - 16 April 2024 | 16:30 - 17:30 CEST
Marco Mariani, Vice President of the European Liberal Forum
Didrik de S [...]
Dear liberal friends,
Before you all go on Christmas holidays, we are back with our next opportunity in 2024!
It is time for our first LYMEC Dig [...]
Putin's Europe. Il 28 novembre presso Novotel di Varsavia è stato presentato il frutto di un lavoro di un'équipe di 13 ricercatori, collaboratori di u [...]
Saluti introduttivi del Sen. Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata
Saluti istituzionali
Giuseppe Benedetto, President Luigi Einaudi Foundation
First Session
Volume Presentation
Introductory Remarks
Antonios Nestoras, Deputy Executive Director European Liberal Forum, Belgium
Fjona Merkaj, Proje [...]
Online Meeting with the Media
Simona Benedettini, Energy Independent Consultant Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, PPAs project leader, Italy
Sandro Gozi MEP Renaissance/Renew Europe
Catharina Rinzema MEP Volkspartij voor Vrijheid/Renew Europe
Renata Gravina Researcher Sapienza, Fondaz [...]
Si svolge il 16 maggio a Lisbona il workshop “Citizens and Energy Transition: the Role of Renewable Energy Communities”, secondo incontro promosso dal [...]