Andrea Cangini

andrea canginiBorn in Rome on March 5th 1969.

Graduated (110/110) in Political Science Historical-Political course, at Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna, with Professor Angelo Panebianco.

Journalist since 1997.

From October 2014 to February 2018 he was director of “Quotidiano Nazionale” and “Resto del Carlino”, role ceased to present himself as a candidate in the 2018 General Election.

Senator of the Republic since March 2018, in the 18th Legislature he served as secretary of the Senate Education Commission, as vice-president of the parliamentary committee of inquiry on illegal gambling and as vice-chairman of the subcommittee on Technological Trends and Security of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

He published four books: “Fotti il potere. Gli arcana della politica e dell’umana natura” (2010) with Francesco Cossiga;  “L’Onore e la sconfitta. Politica italiana e guerre perse dal Trattato di pace del ’47 al Fiscal compact del 2012 ” (2012); “La camicia nera di mio padre. Riflessioni sulla morte della Patria” (2018); “CocaWeb, una generazione da salvare” (2022).
