Andrea Frassini, born in Turin on 10 March 1950, resident in Trieste, Via Ovidio n. 4/5, C.F. lawyer, freelance professional, authorised to practice before the Higher Courts, with an office in Trieste, Via C. Beccarla n. 8. In the academic year 1974/1975 he graduated with full marks in law from the University of Trieste, discussing a thesis in Criminal Law entitled “Criminal relevance of banking secrecy”, with professors Ivo Caraccioli and Angelo Giarda as supervisors. From 1975, in addition to starting his freelance legal practice, he attended the Institute of Criminal Law at the University of Trieste for over ten years, as a lecturer, giving lessons and participating in examination commissions, assisting first professor Ivo Caraccioli and then the various chair holders who followed: professor Giorgio Gregori, professor Pettoello Mantovani, Prof. Sergio Vinciguerra and Prof. Sergio Kostoris, luminaries of the subject. In 1977 he was the winner of one of the thirty three-year scholarships, offered at a national level by the National Research Council for graduates in legal subjects for the in-depth study of these disciplines (Prot. 202/3923 dd. 31/10/1977).
Consequently he specialized in the field of criminal liability, publishing scientific articles in specialized journals. In 1976 he was appointed honorary magistrate as Conciliator Judge of the Municipality of Trieste, a position he held until 1985. In 1979 he registered with the Register of Lawyers of the Order of Trieste and was authorized to practice before the Supreme Court of Cassation and the higher jurisdictions. Since 1986 he has intensified his activity in the private profession, taking on the defense of public and private company managers, political figures, figures from the world of finance, and entrepreneurs also in trials of national importance. Author of numerous articles and scientific publications of a legal nature. In 2004, he was appointed President of the Commission of the Ministry of Justice, for the bar exams in the district of the Court of Appeal of Trieste, for the 2004/2005 session. In 2009 he was appointed President of the Criminal Chamber of Trieste, an association of criminal lawyers, member of the Union of Italian Criminal Chambers, for the three-year period 2010/2012. In 2010 he was called to be part of the Council of the Order of Lawyers of Trieste, for the two-year period 2010/2011. On 26/27 May 2010, pursuant to Legislative Decree 4 March 2012 n. 28, passed the course on conciliation techniques held at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Crafts of Trieste and in 2010 was included in the role of the mediation-conciliation body of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Crafts of Trieste and of Promoconsult srl, based in Trieste, where he deals with issues relating to civil, contractual and extra-contractual liability. In 2012 he was reconfirmed as a member of the Council of the Order of Lawyers of Trieste for the two-year period 2012/2013 then extended ex lege until the end of 2014, with responsibility for criminal affairs.
In 2012 he was reconfirmed as President of the Criminal Chamber of Trieste for the three-year period 2013/2014/2015, a position he then held until 2018. In 2015 he was reconfirmed as a member of the Council of the Order of Lawyers of Trieste for the four-year period 2015/2016/2017/2018, as treasurer and with responsibility for criminal affairs. In 2018 he was appointed President of the Deontological Observatory of the Union of Italian Criminal Chambers. In 2019 he was elected President Emeritus of the Criminal Chamber of Trieste. In 2021 he was reconfirmed as President of the Deontological Observatory of the Union of Italian Criminal Chambers. In 2021 he was appointed member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee of the Osiride Brovedani Foundation — Onlus, based in Trieste in Via Alberti 6.