He is Senior Partner of the Italian offices of the Orrick law firm, member of the European Supervisory Committee and of the global Leadership Team of the Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe law firm. He has extensive experience in commercial and corporate law, private equity, mergers and acquisitions and competition law. President and member of numerous supervisory bodies of banks, insurance companies and listed companies. President of The Adam Smith Society ETS, a non-profit cultural association active in the study and diffusion of the principles of the market economy, competition and free initiative; independent director of Amundi SGR, Amundi RE, Interspac, Enactus Onlus and of the Advisory Board of Anthilia GAP Fund, also former independent director of Assogestioni, Finmeccanica, Bentos and Molmed; President of the Oxford and Cambridge Alumni Society of Northern Italy. He has a law degree from the Catholic University of Milan, a master’s degree and Ph.D in law & economics from the University of Cambridge and an MBA from the Judge Business School of the University of Cambridge. Adjunct professor of Comparative Business Law and advanced commercial law at Bocconi University. He is a columnist for “La Repubblica” and “La Stampa” and has collaborated with numerous newspapers and weeklies including Il Sole 24 Ore, Il Mondo and L’Espresso. He is the author of numerous scientific publications, including the most recent “The law of corporate controls” Giappichelli 2023.