David Gerbi

David Gerbi

Dr David Gerbi, born in 1955, is a Jungian psychologist, psychotherapist, analyst and a writer. He is a member of the IAAP – International Association of Junghian Psychology, of the IIJP – Israel Institute of Junghian Psychology, and a former member of the Italian Association of Analytical Psychology (AIPA). He is an honorary member of the Italian Research Laboratory in Analytical Psychology (Lirpa) in Italy. In 2004, he was appointed a Witness of Peace to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Rome and in 2007 he was appointed UNHCR Ambassador for Peace in South Africa. Member of the Information and Peace Initiatives Committee (COMIN). He was representative of the World Organization of Libyan Jews – World Organization of Jews of Libya from 2002 to 2018. From March 8, 2018 (as well as being an Italian citizen) and also a Spanish citizen, thanks to the return law for all Sephardic Jewish descendants, sanctioned in 2015 by the Spanish government and its commitment to peace in the Mediterranean together with the Toledo pax and IAmed.

Committed to peace and the protection of the religious heritage of the Jews of Libya with the support of the US State Department in Washington since May 30, 2012. In 2002, together with the Italian embassy in Tripoli, he played an important role in normalizing relations between Libya and the US. In 2011 he worked in the Bengazi psychiatric hospital to deal with the trauma of the war in collaboration with MAE and the Italian consulate of Bengazi. To date, he collaborates with the Italian embassy in Tripoli in giving voice to the needs of Libyans and in supporting projects related to stability and security. In 2014 he was appointed Honorary Member of the Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli Academy to the Capitol for reasons of “Science, Conscience and Culture” and was awarded the gold medal.Today he is president of ASTREL – Association  Safeguarding Transmission of the Jewish Heritage of Libya.
