Director at the General Budget Inspectorate (IGB) -Ministry of Economy and Finance – State General Accounting Department.
PhD in Public Management and Governance and 2nd level Master’s Degree in “Global Strategy and Security” awarded by the Italian Defense Higher Studies Institute (IASD).
Former Head of the Division for Public Procurement at the Ministry of Defence – General Directorate for Public Works and State Property: Procurement manager in in the field of engineering contracts, services and supplies through procedures above the Community thresholds, also classified, open, restricted, negotiated, project financing and public-private partnerships (PPP).
Former Head of Unit at the General Directorate for General Affairs (DRIALAG) – Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), in charge of the redevelopment of the MEF’s facilities, he attained significant results in improving cost-savings and effectiveness of passive lease. He has been in charge of the procedures for the redevelopment and energy efficiency of the Palace of Finance in Rome, within the activities of rationalisation of public spending and of the procurement procedures for the nursery service Super*Mini*MEF, as a measure for the Ministry staff-welfare.
Passionate of Public Finance, he carries out research, analysis and evaluation of public expenditure and the relevant budget policies.
He serves as President or member of supervisory or auditing bodies of leading public companies, institutions and authorities of national importance.
President of the “Tor Vergata” Graduate Economics Association, he organizes workshops and in-depth seminars on social, economic development and sustainability themes.