Category: Events

1 26 27 28 29 30 48 280 / 478 POSTS
Thursday 11 June 2020 - 5:00 p.m. Video streaming on FLE social networks Moderator: GIULIO TERZI SANT'AGATA Member Advisory Board Scientific C [...]
ALESSANDRO GALIMBERTI Presidente dell’Ordine dei Giornalisti della Lombardia e Giornalista de Il Sole 24Ore Speakers: FRANCESCO PAOLO BELLO Re [...]
#FLEatHome hosts the Hon. Deborah Bergamini for a live, once again focused on topics of great interest. "The Chinese Dragon: Are we partners or sub [...]
#FLEatHome hosts the writer Nadia Terranova, who gives us a wonderful hour of literary culture, reflection and introspection. The chosen theme: "Escap [...]
Alessandro De Nicola, distinguished economist, member of the FLE Scientific Committee and president of the Adam Smith Society will speak about the sit [...]
"What does it mean to put the human being back at the center?" is the question to which he offers a live web video answer at #FLEatHome, with Andrea P [...]
1 26 27 28 29 30 48 280 / 478 POSTS