Category: Events

1 46 47 48478 / 478 POSTS
[:it]Commemorazione Sergio Ricossa del 20 aprile 2016[:] [...]
Commemoration of the young liberal Giuliano Gennaio departed before his time on April 20th, 2008. Where: Fondazione Einaudi, Roma When: April 19 [...]
[:it]Commemorazione Valerio Zanone del 7 aprile 2016[:] [...]
“Training for the future” by Pietro Paganini e Stefano Cianciotta book presentation Where: Fondazione Luigi Einaudi, Roma When: march 23rd, 2016 [...]
It rarely happens that a book presentation ends up in such an interesting and heated debate, the audience siding with one or the other contender. This [...]
1 46 47 48478 / 478 POSTS