Events of 2017

The “Unforgivables”. Who are they and why
The “Unforgivables”. Who are they and why

‘Unforgivables’. One hundred portraits of inconvenient Masters. This is the title of the last book written by Marcello Veneziani, presented on November 21st in the Foundation’s headquarters. It is a collection of persons, writings and reflections of those who have mostly influenced the Author’s vision during the years: artists who…

Categories Events of 2017
Meritocracy, a medical for medicine
Meritocracy, a medical for medicine

The debate held in Teramo dealt with a delicate and controversial topic, concerning the medical-scientific field and in presence of numerous experts who argued the issue on many standpoints: from academic placement tests to enter the Faculty of Medicine, until the sadly-known phenomenon of Italian doctors willing to work abroad.…

Categories Events of 2017
Globalization: myths to dispel

Are we really sure that globalization brought profit to the detriment of equity and social cohesion? With this question, Davide Giacalone, columnist, essayist and LEF V.P., introduced a brilliant speech during which he folded down a lot of clichés on globalization. The speech was made during the presentation of the…

Categories Events of 2017
Totalitarianism as a threat of our days
Totalitarianism as a threat of our days

Totalitarianism as a latent threat, as a constantly lifeblood-seeking vampire, as a virus capable to reappear in different forms, that in order to nourish himself he is capable to use any sort of fuel, as technology, science, ecology, national sentiment, books as Marx’s Capital, the Qur’an or the Bible and,…

Categories Events of 2017
‘Disinformacy’: communication at the times of social media
‘Disinformacy’: communication at the times of social media

Disinformacy: communication at the times of social media by Francesco Nicodemo book presentation When: Thursday, October12th, 2017, 6 p.m. Where: Piazzale delle Medaglie d’Oro 44, Roma Speakers: Davide Giacalone and Gianfranco Passalacqua Moderator: Simone Santucci

Categories Events of 2017
Francesco Forte: a journey between the Italian past and future
Francesco Forte: a journey between the Italian past and future

During the presentation of the book “For truth’s sake. A political and civil autobiography” by Francesco Forte, participants discussed about Italian past, present and future policies and historical figures. The meeting, held at the LEF new headquarters in Piazzale delle Medaglie d’Oro, was moderated by Giuseppe di Leo, at the…

Categories Events of 2017
“Careers separation: the train is leaving”
“Careers separation: the train is leaving”

Separated careers’ for judges and State attorneys: 50 thousand people supporting the petition so far. “What I would like to say to the National Association of Magistrates, is that this is not a battle against the magistrates, but for the magistrates. Control on the magistrates’ conduct shall be made by…

Categories Events of 2017
The Roman Bank case: mysterious acquittals
The Roman Bank case: mysterious acquittals

Presentation of the book The Roman Bank case: mysterious acquittals, written by Francesco Savasta. The Roman Bank case was the first relevant scandal of the Italian banking and financial history. The scandal involved the Governor of what was one of the six issuing bodies existing at the time, Bernardo Tanlongo,…

Categories Events of 2017
Giacalone v. Rossi de Vermandois, the importance of debating and deepening
Giacalone v. Rossi de Vermandois, the importance of debating and deepening

Strengthening convictions or mixing up ideas on free-trade ideology, protectionism, immigration, euro and Brexit. These were the two main goals of the debate “Free trade or protectionism? CETA, TTIP and more”, held at the LEF on June 14th, 2017. Considering the enthusiasm of the participants, it looks like the set…

Categories Events of 2017
Governance in the cyberspace: new challenges
Governance in the cyberspace: new challenges

The conference “The role of Italy in Cybersecurity after the G7” was organized by LEF and AISES in order to discuss on one of the hottest current topics, that is, trying to understand how international diplomacy is changing in the light of the evolving “cyber” component, especially after the G7,…

Categories Events of 2017
“Wild texts”, unconventional reflections on life and death
“Wild texts”, unconventional reflections on life and death

Pain, death, conflict, supremacy, security, freedom, but also sex, gambling, bars, football, pizza, idiots, voidness. In other words, reflections on life and death. These are topics covered in Wild texts, written by Giancristiano Desiderio, presented on Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 at the LEF. Moderated by Corrado Ocone, thee debate involved,…

Categories Events of 2017
Liberal International, the Einaudi Foundation participates to its 70th anniversary
Liberal International, the Einaudi Foundation participates to its 70th anniversary

The Luigi Einaudi Foundation will join the congress that will be held n Andorra, May 18th – 21st, in occasion of the Liberal International 70th anniversary. Delegates coming from all around the world will participate to argue about their positions with the ultimate purpose of adopting a new XXI century…

Categories Events of 2017
Guy Verhofstadt: “’Liberaitalia’ is not bad for a political party. It has a responsive name and nice colours”
Guy Verhofstadt: “’Liberaitalia’ is not bad for a political party. It has a responsive name and nice colours”

“Liberaitalia, Europe, Taxation and Justice. Ideas to free Italy from populism, statism, vigilantism.” This is the name of event held in Milan on Saturday, May 8th. An occasion to think about the future, to erase justifications and illusions, to talk about what Italy really needs to get back into the game.…

Categories Events of 2017
“Decaying liberties”. Conference.
“Decaying liberties”. Conference.à-decadenti.mp4

Categories Events of 2017
Current debate in Islamic-Arabic societies must involve the population
Current debate in Islamic-Arabic societies must involve the population

Maintaining UEU-Turkey negotiations open, and the fundamental role of a universal recognition of human rights and of the rule of law. These were two key points stressed by the President of LEF International Relations Department Giulio Terzi during the conference “Populism, Islam and rule of law”, held last April 10th…

Categories Events of 2017
China, Europe and Trump: future scenarios. Conference organized by LEF and AISES
China, Europe and Trump: future scenarios. Conference organized by LEF and AISES

A crowded conference room and a responsive audience in occasion of the conference “International politics and foreign investments in the new Euro-Atlantic framework”, organized by AISES and Luigi Einaudi Foundation and held last Tuesday, March 7th, 2017 at the Sala del Refettorio – Library of the Chamber of the Deputies.…

Categories Events of 2017
School of Liberalism 2017: registrations open today
School of Liberalism 2017: registrations open today

The LEF Board of Executives launched the new format for the School of Liberalism that, starting from this year, will have a website at Law, economics and society are among the three macro-areas covered by distinguished Italian academics. The school will be inaugurated on February 27th. Venue of Rome class…

Categories Events of 2017
“Freedom and Beauty”, Vittorio Sgarbi’s lectio magistralis
“Freedom and Beauty”, Vittorio Sgarbi’s lectio magistralis

“Replacing ideology with culture is the only foreseeable way for a better political system”. This is what Vittorio Sgarbi recommended during the Open Day at the LEF School of Liberalism. “We are witnessing to the destruction of our cities’ physiognomy”, said Sgarbi in front of the crowd. “Beauty, unfortunately, is…

Categories Events of 2017
In 2080 the Italian population will count only 39 million citizens
In 2080 the Italian population will count only 39 million citizens

“According to a projection made by Eurostat and excluding migratory fluxes, in 2080 our country will count 39 million citizens. With this inglorious survey, the Minister of the Regional Affairs and Autonomies and Minister of the Familyhood Enrico Costa spoke about the low birth rate issue in Italy. The speech…

Categories Events of 2017
Memory and Future”. LEF and the Remembrance Day for the victims of the Holocaust
Memory and Future”. LEF and the Remembrance Day for the victims of the Holocaust

“We often talk about brutal and inhuman ferocity, but is not true since, unfortunately, ferocity is part of humanity. And if we do not want to be dragged in this dark side of our humanity, we have one only solution: resist to it, always and whatever is costs. That cost…

Categories Events of 2017
“Carlo Antoni, a liberal philosopher” book presentation
“Carlo Antoni, a liberal philosopher” book presentation

Antoni, Croce, Einaudi, Hayek, liberals and liberalism: here are some of the historical figures and topics covered during the presentation of the book Carlo Antoni. A liberalist philosopher (Rubbettino) written by Francesco Postorino and held last Tuesday, January 10th, 2017 at the LEF headquarters. The Author and distinguished guests Serge…

Categories Events of 2017