Commemoration of Valerio Zanone, living example of liberalism.
First of all, being a Liberal means being a trustworthy person, and among the liberals of the Italian ‘Republican’ era, Zanone was a distinguished political and intellectual scholar. Furthermore, he was a highly skilled scholar of Dante Alighieri. He inexorably leaves behind an unforgettable legacy.
Where: The Senate of the Republic, Hall of the Presidents, Roma
When: April 7th, 2016
Speakers: Giuseppe Benedetto (President of the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi); Mario Lupo (Honorary Chair of LEF); Andrea Marcucci (President of the Cultural Commission at the Senate); Graham Watson (former ALDE President); Giovanni Orsina (Professor of contemporary history, LUISS); Luigi Guidobono Cavalchini (Association of Piedmont citizens in Rome).