One of the key pillars of the energy policy of the European Commission is to put citizens at the centre of energy transition. Citizens should become an active part of the decarbonisation process by adopting, e.g., self-consumption or selling renewable electricity and flexibility services to the market.
Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) are one of the models envisaged by the EU legislation to promote such active role of citizens and achieve ambitious decarbonisation targets. The project aims at investigating the legislative framework of different EU Member States ( Portugal, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria and Denmark) to achieve an understanding of the state of the art of national legislation in promoting RECs.
The event consists in a workshop aimed at presenting to participants the goals and the methodological approach of the research and the structure of the final publication presenting the results of the study. To this aim, following the introduction of Francesco Cappelletti (European Liberal ForumProject Officer) and Renata Gravina (Luigi Einaudi Foundation European projects coordinator) Simona Benedettini (Luigi Einaudi Foundation RECs project leader) will provide
- aims of the research
- relevance of the research for Europe and the EU debate on climate and energy policies;
- methodological framework of the research (areas of investigation, specific issues to be addressed for each area);
- contents and structure of the final publication
- next steps of the project;
Wednesday 15 May 2023
10:00 – 19:00 Participants arrival to the HF Fénix Lisboa Praça Marquês de Pombal, 8 1269-133 Lisboa
19:15 Meeting at the lobby for welcome and introduction
- Speaker: Renata Gravina, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi
19:30 Dinner Restaurante Laurentina Avenida Conde Valbom, 71A 1050-067 Lisboa
Thursday 16 May
Venue HF Fénix Lisboa Praça Marquês de Pombal, 8 1269-133 Lisboa
09:30 Introductory Remarks
- Speaker: Renata Gravina, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi
- Speaker: Francesco Cappelletti, European Liberal Forum Project Officer
- Speaker: Simona Benedettini, Luigi Einaudi Foundation RECs project leader
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Dialogue with the participants of the workshop and follow-up in view of the publication of the volume on Renewable Energy Communities
- Speaker: Simona Benedettini, Luigi Einaudi Foundation, Italy
- Speaker: Ricardo Silvestre, Social Liberal Movement, Portugal
- Speaker: Someone from Green Power Denmark TBC (ONLINE)
- Speaker: Gero Scheck, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Germany
- Speaker: Slavtcho Ivanov, Liberal International, Bulgaria
12:30 Highlights of the event goals and conclusive remarks
- Speaker: Renata Gravina, Fondazione Luigi Einaudi
12:40 End of event & lunch with participants TBC