Subscribe the Luigi Einaudi Foundation’s open letter to the Presidente of the Council of Ministers on vaccines

Subscribe the Luigi Einaudi Foundation’s open letter to the Presidente of the Council of Ministers on vaccines

Subject: Christmas Letter to the President of the Council of Ministers Giuseppe Conte

Dear Mr. President,

slightly more than one month to go until Christmas, and it easy to forecast (it is actually certain) that between now and then the public debate will be totally focused on vaccines.

In order to avoid unpleasant drawbacks, please allow us to suggest you to communicate to the Italian citizens three simple data, starting from now:

  1. the criteria with which vaccination will be handled;
  2. the operating method and the distribution of the vaccines;
  3. the timing of the injections of the doses.

I am sure you will understand, Mr. President, that this time, dealing with such topic, it will be impossible to pose any form of secret or confidentiality on such data.

You and Your Government will take the best decisions, you will cross-examine all the available elements, but eventually you shall communicate such three data – as Italian citizens have the right to be promptly informed.

We are looking forward to receiving such news.
